Jinnah’s amendment is a comprehensive constitutional package that aims to reform our six fundamental systems. This constitutional package provides a legal framework for digitization of governance in Pakistan. It consists of a series of landmark legislations that will radically reform and revolutionise the functioning of state institutions.
Legislation 1A
Financial Transparency & Accountability
Legislation 1B
New Standards of Accountability!
Legislation 2A
Performance of Elected Representatives
Legislation 2B
Performance Review of Elected Representatives
Legislation 3
Men and Light & Leading
Legislation 4
Tender Opportunities and Procurement Nationwide
Legislation 5
National Problem Resolution System
Legislation 6
Success through Efficiency through Expertise
Legislation 7
Uniform Education System
Legislation 8
National Hiring Process through Virtues of Merit
Legislation 9A
Parliament and Senate Committees
Legislation 9B
Compensation Caps for all highest Ranking Officials
Legislation 9C
Disqualification of Parliament and Senate Members
Legislation 10A
Renewal of the Electoral Process
Legislation 10B
Making Votes Count
Legislation 11
Get Rid of all Mafias
Legislation 12
Independent Board of Directors for Accountability
Legislation 13
Remove Pain from Life of Man on the Street
Legislation 14
No Elite Protocol and Security
Legislation 15
Land Reform Policy